As a full-service logistics provider, we are dedicated to providing reliable and efficient Solutions to your transportation and warehousing needs. Through our many years of experience in the industry, we have built a reputation for providing outstanding customer service and guaranteeing prompt delivery of goods.
Our specialised staff is available around the clock to ensure that your shipments are handled carefully, accurately and efficiently. We offer a comprehensive range of logistics services to meet your specific needs, from freight forwarding and transport to storage and inventory management.
As Kıta Logistics, we understand that every shipment is unique and therefore offer customisable logistics solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you need to transport goods across the city or across the country, our team will work with you to find the most efficient and cost-effective solution.
Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and we ensure that your goodsare transported with the utmost care and precision. From temperature-controlled storage to high-security facilities, we have the infrastructure to meet your unique storage needs. As Kıta Logistics, we are proud to be committed to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. We understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and are committed to finding innovative solutions to reduce waste and support sustainability.
The vitality and energy-boosting effect of KITA’s Yellow color is one of our corporate cultures that we prioritize as Kıta Logistics. We always feel the inspiration of our color in us, as all the processes that we carry forward in our business with a creative, young, lively and positive thinking focus result in success!
In 2023, our modernized logo usage tells us that the KITA line easily overcomes all kinds of difficulties and reaches a solution without any problems. Direct logistics; It means "KITA"!
It is one of the most prominent facts in our company culture that every idea is considered valuable and kept alive. Those who know that we carry business ideas that are reshaped every day into the future will understand much better. We aim to develop new ideas that are sustainable, to keep pace with the digital age, and deliver them to their target in the most accurate and fastest way. With our slogan, we are never behind, but always ahead.
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